Despre TVROMMEDIA Network

TVROMMEDIA Network, lider în media românească, oferă 18 canale TV premiate, consolidându-și poziția pe piață și angajamentul față de excelență.

A group of old television sets stacked together with some screens showing static and others off. In the center, one television has a blue screen.
A group of old television sets stacked together with some screens showing static and others off. In the center, one television has a blue screen.



Premiat 2018

Top 1


Tvrommedia Network este situat în inima României, având un impact semnificativ asupra pieței media locale.


Nr. B-DUL PACHE PROTOPOPESCU, Bl. 105 cod postal 021409 Bucuresti Sector 2

Proiecte Multimedia

Descoperiți impactul nostru în industria media românească.

A tall television tower rises against a dark, cloudy night sky, illuminated with bright white lights and red accents. In the foreground, there is a bright yellow tree, a streetlamp, parked bicycles, and a modern building with a large curved glass roof.
A tall television tower rises against a dark, cloudy night sky, illuminated with bright white lights and red accents. In the foreground, there is a bright yellow tree, a streetlamp, parked bicycles, and a modern building with a large curved glass roof.
Rețea de Canale

Cu 18 canale TV, tvrommedia network oferă diversitate și calitate în divertismentul românesc.

An outdoor advertising board is displayed on a brick wall with some trees partially obscuring it. The board features an illustration of a vintage television showing animated characters and a hand holding a remote control. Text in a foreign script is present on the left side of the billboard.
An outdoor advertising board is displayed on a brick wall with some trees partially obscuring it. The board features an illustration of a vintage television showing animated characters and a hand holding a remote control. Text in a foreign script is present on the left side of the billboard.
Premii Obținute

În 2018, am fost onorați cu locul 1 în top afaceri România, evidențiind excelența noastră în domeniul media.